Monday, October 15, 2007

Hello...... one and all who visit my new blog. I'm known in a few on line communities as MsCards and I recently went to France where I fell in love with everything French hence the title. I am working on a fabulous (ha) header and hoping to get my blog looking great soon - we'll see. Feel free to pop a few ideas or suggestions my way. Here is a picture of my pasture with my Halloween headstones. My husband and I made them a few years ago for a party and I love putting them out every year. I think they turned out so cool. I love this time of year and everything about it.


Lisa said...

Well, well, well, look whose arrived!!! Welcome to blogland baby!!! I wasn't quite sure who that french lady was that was posting on my blog, I was wondering if it was you. I will be adding you to my list of favs. See you around, sister!!!

Starr said...

I love your headstones! I also LOVE Halloween! Love your Blog site!